Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Scholar once asked his student:

You have accompanied me for a long period of time, so what have you learnt?

He replied : "Eight things"

The first: I looked at the creation and found that every person has
something that is beloved to him, but when that person reaches his
grave, his beloved would be separated from him. So I made the most
beloved thing to me my righteous deeds, so that they may be with me in my grave.

The second: I looked at the saying of Allah the Elevated:
…But as for him who feared standing before his Lord,and restrained
himself from impure evil desires and lusts.Verily, Paradise will be
his abode. [Quran 79:40-41]

So I strove against my self, repelling desires and lusts from it until
it settled upon obedience to Allah.

The Third: I saw that whoever possessed something valuable would keep
it in a safe and secure place, I then looked at the saying of Allah
the Glorified:
Whatever is with you will come to an end, and whatever is with Allah
will remain. [Quran 16:96]

So whenever something of value came into my possession, I directed it to Him, so that it may remain for me with Him.

The Fourth: I saw that people return to wealth, lineage and nobility,
and they are all worthless, so I looked at the saying of Allah the
the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous
of you.. [Quran 49:13]

So I worked on attaining Taqwaa or righteousness so that I may be
honorable with Allah.

The Fifth: I saw that people envy each other, so I looked at the
saying of the Elevated:
It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood in the life of this world [Quran 43:32]

So I left envy and jealousy.

The Sixth: I saw them taking each other as enemies, so I looked at the saying of the Glorified:
Surely, Shaytaan (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an
enemy [Quran 35:6]

So I left their enmity and took Satan as my only enemy.

The Seventh: I saw that they humiliate themselves in pursuing
provision, so I looked at the saying of Allah the Glorified:
And no moving (living) creature is there on earth except that its
provision is due from Allah. [Quran 11:6]

So I concentrated on what was due to Him from me, and left what was
due to me to Him.

The Eighth: I saw them dependent upon their trades, professions and
health, so I depended upon Allah the Glorified.
And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him [Quran 65:3]

Al Huda Institute, Canada

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